Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Art Project & Tea

I have a bit of a shorter post today - reason being, I'd love some feedback! (reason #2 being my minimal talent with the phone camera...) I've been projecting lately (no shock there) and my latest arts and crafts indulgence has me at the sketch book.  I drink a lot of tea (it's actually getting pretty insane) and though perhaps I could reuse all of those tea bag tags that simply go to waste.  Simply put, I added some cutesy teacups to go with them, and have been going through the different teas in the house ever since.

So do tell, what do you think? Comments, suggestions, tips, thoughts?


  1. I love it. Never thought of tea bag tags as art, but they are all so unique, I think it's a cool idea!

    1. Thank you very much. :) There are so many unique ones, aren't there? I actually started keeping them after I brought back new teas from traveling (such as when we visited the site of the Boston Tea Party.)

  2. How lovely! I would never have thought of sketching tea cups with tea bags. What a fun idea! I've been drinking a lot of tea too, tis the season, lol!

    1. Thanks! I've had fun "collecting" them. :) Oh, it most definitely is. Winter is my favorite time to drink tea.

  3. I think this is really interesting. The leading lines from the cups up to the tea bag label is very effective. There's excellent use of the design principle of 'rhythm and repetition' which is visually satisfying.

    Keep sketching!

    I recently showcased my visual journal on my blog- a bit of a big thing for me.

    I'd love to hear your comments about my stuff.
    If you're interested, here's the link: http://www.socialspying.com/2017/01/my-art-journal-i-scarcity-surplus.html


    1. Thank you! It seems like you are quite knowledgeable about art. :)

      That's quite exciting! Yes, sometimes it can be a bit nerve-wracking to share our personal projects with others. I'd love to take a look. Thank you for stopping by here!
