
Friday, February 27, 2015

The Literary Heroine Blog Party (2015)

We are back, with The Literary Heroine Blog Party, from Accordion to Kellie!  I participated in this link-up last year for the first time, and had so much fun going through my favorite stories, characters, and historical novels.  The focus is of course on the Heroines themselves!

** Now, to those of us who have participated before, we are allowed to reuse some of our answers - however, for the upcoming character questions, if I reuse one, what is to keep me from reusing another, or all?  This year I will be attempting to give completely different answers in that particular category.  I would so hate to have other equally worthy heroines miss out! **

~ The Questions ~

Introduce yourself! Divulge your life's vision, likes, dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random!

I am a mess.  But I am a beautiful mess.  God is in control and is always at work turning my messed up life into something for His glory.  I am a homeschooled graduate, and currently finishing up my work from the New York Institute of Photography. I am a great reader but take pleasure in many things - most of which can be found throughout my blog! (*hint*AboutMe*hint*) ;)

What, to you, forms the essence of a true heroine? 

The true heroine is always striving for a closer relationship with Christ.  She loves those around her and is always willing to help.  She is kind and compassionate, strong in the face of deepest fear and sorrow, humble, and selfless.  She cares deeply, laughs often, does right.  She loves herself and is content with her life, while at the same time strives to grow and be the best she can for God.

Few, if any, heroines are actually perfect in such a sense.  But the Bible calls us to be perfect, even those it will be a constant battle.  So perhaps, instead of a girl who simply has these qualities, the Truest Heroine, is the one who is real in having flaws, but is yet always striving to honestly Be a True Heroine thriving in her Heavenly Father. 

Share (up to) four heroines of literature that you most admire and relate to.

Beth March - Little Women -  Beth is a little healer.  She takes care of the sick, loves her kittens, and is always there for her sisters.  She has a kind heart.  Her plans for life were never very large, but contentment radiated from her.

Hermione Granger - Harry Potter - Hermione is always striving to be the best she can be, while at the same time not changing herself for other people.  She does what she loves even when people make fun of her.  She helps those less fortunate (Crookshankes, SPEW, Buckbeak and Hagrid), works hard, and honestly is full of friendship and bravery.

Jamie Sullivan - A Walk To Remember - She is a character that thrives on the service to others.  Jamie is so selfless, and is the kind of person who will simply do whatever needs to be done.  She forgives freely, is full of concern for those around her, and is patient with all.  God is honestly her first priority in life.

Leslie - Bridge To Terabithia - A breath of fresh air.  Leslie is unafraid of what people think of her, and merely wants to be herself.  She gives love to all people (and animals.)  She is free, and kind, and spirited.  Smiling is a natural state of hers, and she creates joy in so many people, wherever she goes.

Five of your favorite historical novels? 

Little Women (1800s - Civil War) Louisa May Alcott

The Great Gatsby (1920s) F. Scott Fitzgerald

Little House in the Big Woods (1860s) Laura Ingalls Wilder

Pride and Prejudice (1800s) Jane Austen

The Witch of Blackbird Pond (1687) Elizabeth George Speare

Out of those five books who is your favorite major character and why? 

There are several that could fill this category...
I will choose Jane Bennet - Pride and Prejudice - "She smiles to much," is what Mr. Darcy said.  Honestly, how could this be a complaint?  Jane is so willing to think the best of people.  She gives them a second chance always, then often a third, or a fourth.  She doesn't hold a grudge and loves those who have made mistakes.

Out of those five books who is your favorite secondary character and why? 

Marmee, or Mrs. March - Little Women -  This woman had four girls growing into young women to raise (and Laurie, if we're honest), with little money and a husband away at war.  She enforced Godly morals and love into the household, Christ-like behavior and sacrifice, while discouraged vanity and selfishness in her daughters.  Every time one of them strayed, she was there to forgive them and talk to them with a mother's love every time.  

If you were to plan out your dream vacation, where would you travel to - and what would you plan to do there? 

There are so many places to travel to and see.  I would love to take a trip around the world, to visit the missionaries who have come through our church.  I think it would be amazing to see first hand the work they are doing, while participating in it myself.  To top it all off, there are some beautiful places that I could see and tour whilst traveling!

What is your favorite time period and culture to read about? 

I don't honestly have one.  I do have a fondness for fairy tales, but those fall under numerous time periods.

You have been invited to perform at the local charity concert. Singing, comedy, recitation, tap dancing… what is your act comprised of? 

Most likely singing.  It is probably my favorite way to perform, however I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to be part of a play!

If you were to attend a party where each guest was to portray a heroine of literature, who would you select to represent? 

Ella -  Ella Enchanted - With everyone dressed up and in character, I think this girl would be a load of fun to play.  She has spunk, and wit, and gorgeous clothes; also the unique aspect of her character is obviously the requirement to do everything she is told.  This might get old before the party is over, but I think she would be ever so fun to represent at least for a while!

Favorite author(s)? 

Jane Austen, Shannon Hale, J.K. Rowling

In which century were most of the books you read written? 

18th - 21st century.  I dabble. ;)

In your opinion, the ultimate hero in all literature is… 

Landon Carter - A Walk To Remember -  He has been a favorite of mine since I saw the movie a few years ago, but I only very recently read the book for the first time.  While several of the details were different, the overall points were the same, including the reasons I love Landon so much.  

He is not the typical hero.  In fact, at the beginning of his story, he doesn't resemble a hero at all.    He knows the world, and has apathetic about living for God.  Not surprisingly, the thing that pulls him out of his lifestyle, is a girl. What is surprising, is that it is Jamie he falls for. Landon doesn't ask her to try to blend in, or be normal, or stop talking about her faith.  He loves her for who she is, and her values are starting to make him think about his own life choices.  I believe Landon is a hero because he changes.  He stops making fun of people, and constantly being around those who do.  He starts to show love and compassion for those he didn't care about before.  He does things for Jamie simply because he wants her to be happy.  By the end of their story he is going to the Bible for what he needs and listening for the voice and guidance of God.  He is young, and it takes time, but I think he does indeed become a hero.

“You're a wonderful person, Jamie. You're beautiful, you're kind, you're're everything that I'd like to be. If people don't like you, or they think you're strange, then that's their problem.” 
― Landon ~ A Walk To Remember, Nicholas Sparks

In your opinion, the most dastardly villain of all literature is... 

Heathcliff/Cathy - Wuthering Heights - I have little to say on these two, except they were their own undoing.  Selfish, horrible people.  They both ended up so unhappy, but it was their own fault!  When you put yourself first, you honestly do not find true happiness.

Describe your ideal dwelling place. 

Ah, this has changed very little since last year.  I would still adore a house on the beach.  Floor to ceiling windows that let light in the main room, which is full of comfy places to sit and bookshelves in every available space.  If it would be somehow possible to fit a horse on the property, that would be marvelous. 

Sum up your fashion style in a short sentence. 

Classy/quirky; I love things with vintage appearance, that are classic and timeless, or that are incredibly unique. 

Three favorite Non-fiction books? 

As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride - Cary Elwes.  If you are a fan of The Princess Bride I don't feel as if this is a book you can pass up!  It is like the ultimate special features disk. ;)

Honey for a Child's Heart - Gladys Hunt

I am currently reading How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World - Jordan Christy.  Seeing as how I haven't finished it, I cannot 100% recommend it, however I am enjoying it so far!

Your duties met for the day, how would you choose to spend a carefree summer afternoon?

Reading.  Taking pictures.  Sitting in the sunshine.  Work on a sewing project.  Search Pinterest and the blogging world at random.

Create a verbal sketch of your dream hat - in such a way as will best portray your true character. 

There are many hats I would wear.  Wide brimmed and ribboned (think, Titanic, or Williamsburg.)  However, I have recently become enamoured with the cloche hat.  Picture Downton Abbey with Anna Bates, or Mary Crawly.  The felt, the flowers, the swooped brim and fitted shape.  Love.

Share the most significant event(s) that have marked your life in the past year. 

"My life has to change for me to be happy: FALSE" ~ From the laugh out loud movie filled with surprisingly obvious truths, Mom's Night Out.  I'm realizing, happiness is a choice.  There is so much to experience in life, I don't want to waste it waiting to feel happy.  It is good to be alive, and I have been learning to see those things which make life wonderful.  

Share the Bible passage(s) that have been most inspiring to you recently.

I am currently reading through the Bible cover to cover for the first time, and not too long ago I read through Joshua.  It has been one of my favorite books so far.  He was truly a man of God in everything he did for the children of Israel.  It is filled with passages that are have spoken to me recently.  



  1. One of these years, I'm going to answer with Hermione for the question of favorite heroines. She's splendid.

    I have put "As You Wish" on my to-read list because you are the third person this week to say it's awesome. And I actually own "Honey for a Child's Heart" but haven't read it yet. I remember my mom reading it when she was homeschooling me.

    1. She is, isn't she? I believe she is a wonderful role model for young (and older ;) ) girls.

      Oh yes, do! The mere fact that "Westley" wrote it makes it amazing, and the writing is so lovely. It made me laugh out loud, and even tear up in parts.

  2. Oh Skyeler! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers to Kellie's fun questions and I just love how you chose Mrs March - indeed...she is an amazing woman - strong, yet gentle and I admire her so much!
    I'm *sew* (!) Glad you enjoy sewing as well - what with your sweet kitties and your lovely needle, you may well be a little like dear Beth in Little Women - she is truly a heroine!
    And thank you so much for your kind visit to my blog - I'm so happy to have discovered yours:). A very happy first of March to you!
    Much love!

    1. Thank you! I admire her as well. Over the summer my mom, sister, and I read through Little Women at the same time. Braving the adult world myself, and also being a nanny for some little ones, I found it wonderful to relate to both Mrs. March and her daughters. They are worthy of admiration!
      Haha, I do indeed! I've tackled a few projects, but my favorite was sewing a regency gown that I would need to attend a regency ball. Absolutely delightful! It's always nice to find other people that enjoy your hobbies!
      What a compliment! I admire Beth, and relate to her, but I know I do not have her content spirit all the time!
      And of course, happy March! ^_^

  3. Enjoyed your fun answers! Your dream house sounds lovely and that Princess Bride book sounds fascinating!! I'll have to check into it! :)

  4. P.S. Forgot to mention I absolutely love your header!

    1. Thank you very much. :) If you are a fan of The Princess Bride you most certainly should! It is definitely worth it. | And thank you again - I enjoy Photoshop and designing things like blog headers!

  5. Jane Bennet is sweet. I would love to be like her--always smiling and assuming the best of everyone.

    I was thinking the same thing as Heidi, your header is beautiful!

    1. It's so true. Many of my favorite heroines have became so due to my longing to be like them. She has a lovely personality.

      That's so kind, thank you so much!

  6. Yay! A fellow The Witch of Blackbird Pond fan! I too dabble through the centuries!

    1. Yes! It was a favorite of mine in early middle school. My mom had a list of required reading I was allowed to choose from and that became one I loved, not dreaded, to read. xD
