
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"I Two!"

Sammy is growing up!  No longer a baby boy, he's becoming a little toddler with quite the personality and lots of input on everything!  February 12th he turned two <3

To see the rest of his "official" shoot, see here :)

Little boy toddlers are stinkin' adorable, if they are a handful at times XD

My Mamma and Sister joined Samuel's family for a small but fun celebration. It was filled with lots of laughter, sugar, and Choo-Choos! He ran around screaming in excitement for quite some time.  He now knows: big sisters like to help, even if you don't want them to and they end up blowing out your candle; t-shirts are just part of the tissue paper and you need to throw them aside in order to get to the real present; cake before dinner is the better option; blue icing stains your skin; and Daddy's like playing trains just as much as little boys ;)

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